
在之前的介绍当中,我们使用了 -t -H -G 参数 当然除了这些参数以外,官方还提供了以下参数

该章节讲解的参数是指全局参数(注意: 这些参数的添加位置在模块之前 rex命令之后)

执行rex -h,就可以看到以下参数

[root@9ad2c46f179f RexDeployV3]# rex -h
  rex [<options>] [-H <host>] [-G <group>] <task> [<task-options>]
  rex -T[m|y|v] [<string>]

  -b     Run batch
  -e     Run the given code fragment
  -E     Execute a task on the given environment
  -G|-g  Execute a task on the given server groups
  -H     Execute a task on the given hosts (space delimited)
  -z     Execute a task on hosts from this command's output

  -K     Public key file for the ssh connection
  -P     Private key file for the ssh connection
  -p     Password for the ssh connection
  -u     Username for the ssh connection

  -d     Show debug output
  -ddd   Show more debug output (includes profiling output)
  -m     Monochrome output: no colors
  -o     Output format
  -q     Quiet mode: no log output
  -qw    Quiet mode: only output warnings and errors
  -Q     Really quiet: output nothing

  -T     List tasks
  -Tm    List tasks in machine-readable format
  -Tv    List tasks verbosely
  -Ty    List tasks in YAML format

  -c     Turn cache ON
  -C     Turn cache OFF
  -f     Use this file instead of Rexfile
  -F     Force: disregard lock file
  -h     Display this help message
  -M     Load this module instead of Rexfile
  -O     Pass additional options, like CMDB path
  -s     Use sudo for every command
  -S     Password for sudo
  -t     Number of threads to use (aka 'parallelism' param)
  -v     Display (R)?ex version

[root@9ad2c46f179f RexDeployV3]#



-n 指定配置文件后缀名称,比如n为test,则使用config/config_test.yml的配置文件
-l 指定配置文件中环境变量,比如l为dev,则使用config.yml中dev的配置

-d 调试模式
-F 强制忽略锁
-t 多线程数量
-s 使用sudo
-S sudo的密码
-g/G 使用分组名
-K 公钥
-P 私钥
-p 用户密码
-u 用户名

results matching ""

    No results matching ""